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Adult transfers are 10-11 inches wide
Plastisol Screen Print Transfers

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

Screen Print Transfer Instructions:

Heat press to 325-350 depending on your press. Start with lower temp and increase if needed.

Prepress shirt or material to remove moisture. Center transfer, press for 5-7 seconds. Hot peel gently.
If transfer has issues sticking, press 2-3 more seconds

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Heaven Worship Team Prints Only

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Drink Coquette PRINTS ONLY

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Jesus Doodle It's Friday, But Sunday is Coming PRINTS ONLY

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Spring Chicken COMPLETED TEE

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Some Things are Better Left Unsaid COMPLETED TEE

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Stay Mad- I Don't Care-COMPLETED TEE

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1946 Take me out to the ballgame COMPLETED TEE

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